Do you ever get bored?

Believe it or not I always get bored even if I have a long list of things that I probably should do. In times like these I always turn to creativeness, use what ever is available at that moment in time and just try to create something. In this case it was a sharpie pen, which turned into coy carp tattoo drawing on my thigh representing strength and balance.

This is also a good idea if you have thought up a tattoo you want to get. Draw it in pen first so you can get a proper feel for it rather than diving straight in and regretting not playing around with the design beforehand! 

If you end up bored and you turn to creativeness please feel free you forward me some piccys, I love looking at other peoples creative creations! 


  1. This was a fantastic free hand drawing on your leg. Very creative and would make a fantastic tattoo. May be try doing it as a water colour?

  2. Thank you! Great idea I will give it a go using watercolours and post it up :)
